UPDATED $CREDI LP STAKE STATS:. CREDI - USDT V2 Liquidity on @Uniswap. Total $USDT Amount: 12,139. 18 USDT.
03 Oct 2023, 07:42
CREDI - USDT V2 Liquidity on @Uniswap
Total $USDT Amount: 12,139.18 USDT
Total $CREDI Amount: 5,350,283.78 CREDI
Over 5 million $CREDI have already been added as liquidity on Uniswap.
The pool grows daily thanks to our community!
$CREDI LP Stake on the Platform
Total $CREDI LP Amount: 0.23471247 CREDI LP
Total Value Locked: 23,849.41 USD
You still have more than 5 months to participate in the xCREDI giveaway freely.
One of the best ways to earn passively without giving away anything of your holdings!
#Credefi #CREDI #xCREDI #DeFi #TradFi #CeDeFi #RWA #Borrowing #Lending #P2P #SME #FirstMovers #Web3 #CREDIARMY
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🚀Q4 Started! Let's see what will come up in the last quarter of 2023?
👉Rangers Engine:
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Q4 Started. Let's see what will come up in the last quarter of 2023. Rangers Engine:. - Launch REVM 2. Rangers Connector:.
🚀Q4 Started! Let's see what will come up in the last quarter of 2023?
👉Rangers Engine:
- Launch REVM 2.0
👉Rangers Connector:
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